Cythian Dictionary


Akiun (‘Ah kee oon’)

Now outlawed, and relegated to the forbidden realm of witchcraft, Akiun was once the most noble of Trefolkian pursuits. Akiun Warriors are skilled fighters, schooled from an early age in the martial arts, the use of weapons, the Trefolkian Way, meditation, and the unique paranormal gifts own to Trefolkians: The Shades, The Circle of Five and The Change.

Alexileil (‘Alex ee layl’)

Mortal Enemies of the Methtantileil. The Alexileil are a people whose dedication to spiritual pursuits has elevated their vibration to higher planes. Effectively this has made these people translucent. As the Methtantileil are made of mist and shadows, the Alexileil are made of light and echoes.

Ancient Tongue

The Original Language of Trefolk, and presumably Cythe. More commonly spoken is Imperial Common.

Angel’s Breath

Hallucinogenic drug made from the bark of the Tiger Wort tree. Also used as a powerful aphrodisiac this powerful drug is as much sought-after as it is illegal.

Antsun’alun (‘Unt soon ah loon’)

The first word used in the Triple Greeting. By connotation, this word is often used as a blessing “May your roots grow deep and your branches never stand in shadow”. Literally translated from the Ancient Tongue, it means “Prosper in peace and harmony”.


Fearsome winged creature of ancient times. Now believed to be extinct, these fire-breathing reptiles once roamed the planet in their thousands. But they were not feared. Rather, they were respected as the guardians of wisdom and wealth.

Ashfen Cake

A rare delicacy made from the sweet fruit of the Ashfen Yew. Ashfen Yew only produces fruit once a cycle, and in limited quantities. In addition, the fruit must be harvested only when one of the moons is full, or it will be bitter and cause stomach ailments.

Ashfen Yew

A tall, thin tree with thorny bark (Similar to rose bushes). Its leaves resemble the fronds of a fern bush, and as the moon becomes full, the bark glows silver.


Throwing weapon used by Akiun warriors. Slightly longer than the average adult hand, this s-shaped weapon is carried in the small of the back, neatly tucked into the belt of a Kren’an. The curve of the s is elegant – almost wavelike. Bailles are made from mart-metal, the rarest metal on Cythe, and thus never become blunt, or wear down. In fact, their edges are so keen that they will often pass through their target, into the next.


Similar in shape to a buffalo, but twice as hairy, these beasts of burden are three times the height of a man. They have two horns that grow from behind their ears, and one that grows from the forehead. These horns converge in front of the nose – the most sensitive part of the Bannator – effectively encasing the snout in a bony cage. This bony cage is used by wild Bannators in mating jousts.

Bannator Caravan

A series of Bannators carrying goods and / or passengers in a group. Usually a caravan has a leader called the Bannator Driver. He carries the Lead Horn, and there is no questioning his authority because he is responsible for the safety and well-being of all in his caravan.

Bannator Driver

Term used to alternately describe the leader of a Bannator caravan, and the man sitting astride it.


Item of clothing worn by Akiun Warriors that covers the body but leaves the arms and legs bare, allowing the warrior to take the Change. The battlesuit provides carrying space for the warrior’s sword and bailles. Made from two layers of thin leather, the comfortable inside is soft and pliable, but the outside is sturdy and tough. The inside and outside textures resemble that of a horse’s saddle. The outside layer of leather often sports metal studs, and is treated with the venom of the giant Whiplash Scorpion. This unique venom is highly toxic in its raw state, but once cured, it affords the leather the integrity of metal, whilst at the same time not compromising its pliability.


The dust that originates from the bark of trees or accumulates under it. Another definition is a diminutive herb that often grows on certain trees, or even the medicine that comes from the use of the bark of trees.

Bellman’s Lantern

– See Sanctioned Spells


Voluminous trousers worn by Trefolkian men and women. The material makes the pants look similar to a skirt that reaches the ankles, but affords the legs maximum movement.

Blocks of Meeting

Rectangles of wood, no higher than an adult’s knee, carved to be a comfortable seat. The height of the block encourages the person sitting upon it to cross their legs on the ground in front of them. One who understands Ancient Trefolkian Feudal history knows to cross the legs in such a way that only the ankles of the feet touch the ground. Effectively, this means the soles of the feet are not in direct contact with the ground, minimizing sudden movements. By adopting this custom, Feudal Templari communicated body language that was non-aggressive, and thus promoted trust between each other.

Blood Moon

The three moons of Bursha, Geldor and Sentia are full, simultaneously, only once every five cycles (Cycles). However, once every 100 Cycles, when the moons are full, they appear red, giving them the appearance of blood. At this time, it is not uncommon for various paranormal phenomena to occur.


Small beetles no larger than the nail of the little finger. These cobalt blue insects feed on the sap of the Drellion Tree. Their metabolic processes are endothermic in nature, effectively cooling the air around their bodies. When placed in proximity of concentrated numbers of these little creatures water is turned to ice. Trefolkians use bluebeetles to preserve food in special cupboards designed for this purpose.


Typical ferret / prairie dog hybrid, known for an inquisitive nature, which makes them bob up and down on their hind legs


Unit of weight measurement. One bullrock is the equivalent of 500 boughstones, which in turn correspond to 500 kilograms. The Bullrock is so called because it would require a Bannator bull to lift or move it. 2 Bullrocks thus equal one ton.


One of the three moons of Cythe.


Small forest town at the foot of a great mountain, steeped in mystery and intrigue. Widely recognised as the last strong-hold of those who practiced the forbidden secrets, it was destroyed by an army of Pillagers in the cycle 1624 ODT. The controversy came about because of the size of the village versus the size of the army needed to destroy it. There is no evidence to suggest the town was anything more than a lazy farmer’s village.

Change, the

(Ref also Circle of Five). The metamorphosis that the body of an Akiun Warrior undergoes resulting in elongated limbs with dextrous claws; sharpened hearing and eyesight; as well as paranormal reflexes. A side effect of the Change is glowing irises, and this cannot be masked by the Shades.


Medicinal herb, similar in appearance to Ginger root, which can be used to stop bleeding.

Circle of Ceremony
Ancient and greatly revered place of meeting. The Circle of Ceremony is a structure that apparently has no date of construction. Located on the plateau of Seeker’s Mountain it overlooks the Silvermist Waterfall. Four tapers of solid rock begin from the periphery of the Circle, and converge over its centre where they support a giant crystal. Directly beneath this crystal is the Cirillian Flame.

Circle of Five

The five elements of nature are arranged in a cycle (Water, wood, fire, earth, and metal) that symbolizes life, the mysteries of the Universe, and the teachings of ancient mystics. The circle of five is a hallowed symbol amongst Akiun Warriors, and those who revere the ways of Old. The Circle of Five also represents the power of the elements as taught to Akiun Warriors. By harnessing the Circle (Through dedication to training) an Akiun Warrior is able to call on that power. For example, if a warrior were to summon the element of Metal, and channel it into a fist, the fist is imbued with all the qualities and integrity of that element. A metal fist will afford the warrior the ability to punch through wood with no adverse effects to their limb.


Loosely translated this term means Society, Guild, or council.


(Trefolkian / Cythian religion) The god of fire, the sun, daylight. Loyal guardian of the children of Gethras, and lover of Cythe, Cirillius swore an oath to Gethras that he would provide shelter for Gethras’ twelve sons and daughters, as well as their nanny, Cythe.


A grand meeting of the Wizards. Ordinarily one Wizard presides over one of the eight continents of Cythe. When the Wizards call a conclave it means they must leave their continent, and journey to the Imperial City, not something that is ever done lightly.


Any member of any Circle-Sitting.

Crystal Marker

Timepiece used in Trefolk. Crystal markers are carved from Moonstone. Moonstone is mined only in the heart of the Kuornedan Mountains. Thousands of cycles ago, a giant meteorite crashed into the mountains. The force of the explosion combined qualities of the meteorite with qualities of the natural substrata, forming the Moonstone.


Home Planet to all. It orbits a yellow sun and has three moons. Its Original name in the Ancient Tongue is “Kal-Ah,” which means “Cindered Half”.

Desert of Broken Hopes, the

Predominant territory in the province of Asde Fahd. Also called the Desert of Bracken Sorrow.

Dniban Gown (‘Duh nee ban’)

Flowing garment commonly worn by all Trefolkians. Similar to a kaftan, but much lighter and stronger, the Dniban gown is made from the raw silk of the Dniban Spider.

Dniban Spider

This spider can grow to twice the size of an adult’s hand, but is not aggressive, feeding primarily on the sap and resin of the quickoak tree.

Dniban Spinner

See Dniban Spider.


Roughly translated into “Province” or “State”, although a Dominai can often be much larger than these. One Templari is assigned to up to five Dominai.


Steward of the Trefolkian Throne, effective Ruler of Trefolk, Lord of all Dominai; and thus lord of all Templari.


The fiery underworld, home of the Demon King Sfarr.


A large bass drum, sometimes as big as a man. Usually beaten with large batons.

Drellion Sap

A clear liquid, similar in consistency to human blood. Drellion Sap is highly flammable, and produced in great quantities by the Drellion Tree.

Drellion Tree

Tall Trefolkian Tree that has a reddish bark and orange leaves. Once a cycle this tree propagates its seeds by allowing the pods to explode.


Commonly, the man in charge of a Bannator Caravan (Specifically: ‘Forge’), but often used in the context of “Boss”.


Any man or woman over the age of 300 cycles.


Loosely translated as Spouse, the word comes from the observation of the relationship between hearth ivy in the forest. Initially, two plants of Hearth Ivy will grow independently, but when they reach a certain height, age and maturity, they grow towards each other, their stems entwining, curling around each other. This creates a symbiotic support, enabling the plant to grow even higher, sometimes breaking through the canopy of trees.

Five Tribes of Trefolk

All Trefolkians can trace their lineage back to five original tribes. Once peace existed between the tribes, each one adopted a colour to represent the purity of their blood: Black = Oberon; Green = Anacus; Red = Inicus; Yellow = Rosacron; Blue = Thailor (See also Tribal Tell)

Flame of Cirillius

In the middle of the Circle of Ceremony stands an ornate obelisk, atop which burns the magical flame of Cirillius. When the energies of the world are in Balance, the flame burns green, but at present it burns red … and nobody knows why.


Frethenia is the first of only two Trefolkian cities located on the ground. The city was originally located on the island of Centre Bark, but the expanding population, as well as the danger of Oakpines falling from the great tree, prompted the construction of the present city between Seeker’s Mountain and Hailer’s Loft.


Game of chance using Octagonal shaped dice etched with numbers. In Ancient times these octagonal pieces were called Tirano Stones, and the etchings were religious symbols. The stones were the property of learned Wyrders only, and were used in rituals from Cleansing to Prophecy. It is said that certain combinations of symbols thrown afford the user certain powers.

Gates of Life and Death

Tattoos worn by Akiun Warriors that symbolize their rank, and level of learning. Each symbol corresponds to a symbol on the Circle of Five, and thus to a level of learning in the Akiun Martial system (See also Progression of Rank to Akiun Master).


One of the moons of Cythe.


God of warriors, war, the heavens, and general Good; embodiment of the male principle, and one of three Principal gods who created the world (Often seen as the only creator god).

Guardian / Guardian of the Forest

One who has completed all levels of learning in the Trefolkian Way; and has chosen to become an overseer of the Trefolkian Forest and its inhabitants. Guardians are revered members of society, and are responsible for the education of its masses.


(Loosely translated as “Soldier”). A member of either the Imperial Army; a Trefolkian Council or Truruch Guard.

Gundsenaday (‘Goond sen aday’)

Response to “Antsun’alun”, and the start of the second half of the responsorial Triple-greeting.

Great Bark

Giant tree on its own island at the mouth of the river Sten. This is actually a giant tree from Handorland, but nobody knows how it came to be in Trefolk.

Hekhama (‘Heck ah ma’)

Tasselled Head covering, similar to those worn in Arabic nations, worn by those in prayer, or in religious devotion.


The signs or portents that precede the fulfilment of the Prophecy of the New Queen. According to the Prophecy, First the Sword of Sharsaddox must be found, then a great man will perform a significant act. Finally, the Blood Moon will signify the rise of the new queen.

House of Antiquities

Grand place of learning for all Trefolkians. Here Trefolkians come to learn everything from the alphabet through to engineering, and beyond.


One who has transgressed the Law of Secrets, and had their tongue cut out.

Keeper / Keeper Ji’Path / Ji’path

One who is trained to sense the presence of the Sentience, whether it is in use close by, or has been used recently. Such a person is held in high esteem by the Venerables of the Churches, and feared by those who dare to use the Secrets. Their mission is to expose and condemn all such transgressors.

Kenjin Shirt

Item of clothing similar in design to the top section of the ghi used in Japanese martial arts, although the material is lighter and more flexible. The flaps are held in place by a sash about the waist.


Fungus that grows on / consumes faeces or other biological waste.

Kepta Pit

Large subterranean chamber, dug for the purpose of capturing biological waste, similar to a French drain.


“Grandmother” / term used to respectfully address an older woman.


“Grandfather” / term used to respectfully address an older man.


Ingredients used by Wyrders when casting a spell. The purity and efficacy of a spell depends on the learning of the Wyrder, and the quality / nature of the kindling.


Item of clothing worn by Akiun Warriors over the battlesuit, or on its own. Because of the heat and humidity in Trefolk, and the pride that Akiun took in the physical body, standard everyday wear for both men and women was a Kren’an. This is a skirt-like garment no longer than knee-height. The belt area is thick and sturdy, allowing for the carrying of weapons in elegantly placed pouches, or loops. It is billowy with a large volume of material, allowing for the garment to drape between and over the legs when the person is seated. Seldom is underwear worn under this.


Thick material covering suspended at the top of windows in Trefolkian houses. It is rolled up and tied in place with a quick-release mechanism so that should it be needed, it can be unrolled quickly.

Life Seed

A small biological organ located three fingers below the navel and two thirds into the body. It is common to all people on Cythe, even though they may differ in other parts of their anatomy. The Life Seed is a physiological connection to the Sentience, and allows those who develop its power, access to the power of the Sentience. Some believe the Life Seed to be more important than the brain or heart, because it is able to sustain life indefinitely.


A thin unisex garment made from Stretchable material, which functions as underwear. Similar in design to a single piece swimsuit or sleeveless bodysuit. Though not particularly erotic, it is comfortable, and convenient to wear under a Kenjin, which often opens up of its own accord.

Man of Ten

The leader of Ten Men (Ten men = “Detachment”)

Methtantileil (‘Meth tan tee layl’)

Demons of the underworld, but not ethereal. These creatures are far stronger than ordinary mortals, but they can be killed if one knows how.


Roughly taken to mean mid-day. When the sun is at its zenith in the day, many Trefolkians retire to enjoy a cool bath, or swim in the river or lake.

Moshna / Mosh’na

Expletive roughly translated as “Shit”.


Stone obelisk designed to remind the devoted of the pyramid on which burns the Cirillian Flame; and similar in shape and design. Offerants serve as mini shrines where the devout can place offerings of food, money, or goods. A magical flame burns on an offerant which “consumes” any offering placed on it. The flame on the offerant is enchanted to turn blue as a warning of an approaching Shar’a’data wind.


Nomadic race of marauders and barbarians. Known for their physical strength, and mental weakness, Pillagers are ruled by superstition. They are descendants of mutants, and are very ugly.

Progressions of Rank to Akiun Master.

Traditionally there are only 3 levels in Akiun training:

  1. Apprentice / Initiate;
  2. Adept;
  3. Master.

However, within each of these levels, there may be distinguished several sub-levels, which will become apparent as follows.

There is no age-limit to when a student may enter an Akiun school (At times referred to as a Crucible, or Forge), however, the younger the student, the better.

When a student enters the school they begin first by learning the Trefolkian Way, which covers aspects such as culture, mathematics, history, healing, geography, science, physics, nutrition, medicine, law, politics, poisons, masonry, herbology, sex and reproduction, honour, ethics, duty, impeccability, philosophy, religion, religious history, psychology, mysticism, legend, lore, fable, and the Sentience. Schooling in the Trefolkian Way equips students to become formidable in their knowledge of most aspects of life with the ultimate goal of becoming recognised as a Guardian of the Forest. This training / education runs through all three prime levels of Akiun training.

Training in the martial arts begins with physical fitness and preparedness. Within a short time an Initiate is taught all disciplines techniques of physical fighting (including evasion, infiltration, strategy, weapons, explosives, advanced potions and recipes, intelligence gathering, etc) known to the Masters of that particular school. At this stage Initiates may be sent to other Crucibles to learn from the Masters there. Once proficient in the pure physical forms, the Initiate is required to commit allegiance to the Akiun Code, or leave the school. If they comply, and the Masters are convinced, the Initiate begins to learn the Circle of Five.

Tuition in the Circle of Five commences with learning to harness the Life Seed. In the following order the Initiate learns:

  1. The Bed of Nails: The ability to command the Shikai into hard spikes;
  2. The Change: The ability to alter the body to produce claws on hands and feet; and to produce sharp bony protrusions from the heel, the hands, the elbows, etc;
  3. The Shades: The ability to Bend the Light or become invisible;
  4. Sentience: The ability to communicate intuitively and telepathically with the consciousness of the Sentience and Mother Forest; and to receive foreknowledge of an event, particularly one of danger;
  5. Mental Projection, or “Sending out the Mind”: The ability to project their conscious awareness into a proximal area.

Once the Initiate has mastered the Shades only then are they officially recognised as an Initiate. At this stage their education in the Trefolkian Way is complete and they are also recognised as a Guardian of the Forest.

“Graduating” as an Initiate proves to the Masters that an Initiate has suitable fortitude and focus to embark on training in the elemental forms. Briefly, this means harnessing the power of the Elements of the Circle of Five. For example, Initiates are taught to harness the power of fire so that when they strike, that blow is imbued with the full elemental power of that element (Any flammable substance will burst into flames when a strike is infused with the element of Fire).

The Initiate progresses through the Elemental levels. However, when they have mastered a certain elements they face a trial in which the Master uses that particular element in a test wherein the Master actively tries to kill the student. If the student survives, they are said to have passed through “A Gate of Life and Death” and may continue in their studies of the next elemental form. With each Gate conferred, the student earns a tattoo on their right cheek, symbolising their rank

Once the student has completely mastered all the elements of the Circle of Five, they partake in a trial wherein the master uses all elements in an active attempt to kill the student. If the student survives, they are then officially conferred the rank of Adept. Shortly thereafter they are expected to be able to pass a test known as The First Veil of Weaving.

During this test they are expected to use their life seed, coupled with their conscious focus to effect a certain result using only the power of the Sentience. Usually this is a small test such as boiling a cup of water or starting a fire. If this test is passed the rank of Master is conferred immediately.

Should they wish it, the Master may then pursue training as a Weaver.

Progressive Senadai

The Senadai that approves of and advocates slow but progressive evolution of Trefolkian culture. Their primary objective is to “keep with the times or be left behind”. Though valuable, their views are sometimes too liberal and / or permissive.

Prophecy of the New Queen

These are the words of Muriq of the Clama, ancient prophetess and Mart. The first part of the threefold prophecy, taken from the translation of Axftrax before the Writing in the Cave (Age unknown).

When the Great Mother succumbs
To eightfold evil, and the Green Flame
Is rendered red, Balance is lost
Until the wrongs are right again.

The People of the Forest shall heed the call,
And one shall rise from their number
To claim the birthright royal
And shake the people from their slumber.

When the wise man acts without
From the confines of his Tower;
When the birthright blade
Foretells return of power;
When the Blood Moons come
Heralded is the new Queen’s hour.

No sibling shall she know,
But spurn she will know well;
The daughter of kings shall rise
And thus shall sound the knell

For those who would enslave
Those who would corrupt and kill.
Though they strive to stay the march
Chellath (Champion) shall aide her still.

Reekma Cape

A cape / gown made from copious folds of material. Due to its voluminous nature it renders the body shapeless, and thus is a sign of modesty and piety.

Sanctioned Spells

Spells that are authorised for common use. These allow travellers to be protected and taken care of on journeys. There are only three Sanctioned Spells.
Bellman’s Lantern – gives light in the form of a hovering ball, and can be made dimmer or brighter, depending on the user’s needs. It is a common spell, and not very expensive.
Starry shield – Creates a protective dome around the user, big enough to incorporate a camp fire, and several tents. Its purpose is to protect travellers from the elements as they sleep, as well as any animals who may wander too close out of curiosity.
Sleeping Thanks – gives the user the power to fell a small animal long enough for the user to give the prayers of thanks, and kill the animal painlessly.


The act of leaping through the forest canopy whilst under the Change.


The signature weapon of Akiun Adepts. The weapon consists of a short staff, at the end of which is blade shaped like a crescent moon. The blade is used effectively as an axe or scythe, and can be detached from the staff to be used as a throwing weapon similar to bailles. The staff contains a short sword. This weapon is used with lethal effectiveness, but the main blade must be detached from the staff to make carrying the weapon safe during Sai’ing.


Nun / priestess (in general, the suffix –ai indicates the feminine gender).


Priest / monk / cleric (In general the suffix –at indicates the male gender).


Collective word for religious / clerical people (In general, the suffix – im indicates a collective / group term)

Seisha (“Sei ee sha”)

Goddess of warriors, war, all life on Cythe, including Cythe herself, guardian of healing and learning, and general Good; embodiment of the female principle, and one of three Principal gods who created the world.


Group of men and women who form the Senadim (and advising the Dominum). Each Senadai has 4 leading individuals who oversee their group. Together with the Dominum they are the major decision – makers.

Sentience, the

(See also Life Seed) The Universal energy that binds all things, flows through all things, and is all things. It is a living power with a consciousness and ethereality all its own. In this aspect it is similar to the Trefolkian Forest, and both are revered as being related.


A game of strategy similar to chess, but played on three tiers.


God of evil warriors, chaos, Dranaga (The underworld), and general evil / mayhem; embodiment of the darkest desires and destruction, and one of three Principal gods who created the world.

Shades, the

The phenomenon that shrouds an Akiun Adept in Bentlight (Also called “Bending the light”.) This ability effectively makes the adept invisible except for those specially trained to discern them (Only Master Level). A side effect of this is a swirl of colour when the warrior dematerializes or materializes. The Shades is an ability learned by a warrior prior to learning the Change, and depends upon the successful mastery of the Circle of Five.


The cold killing wind that blows down from the coldest peaks of the Kuornedan Mountains. This wind is lethal to all flesh, and will freeze a man solid in a few seconds.


Tufts of hair that begin at the base of the skull and proceed at regular intervals down either side of the spine to the small of the back. Shikai are spaced roughly a finger’s width apart, are no longer than the index finger of the individual, and only slightly thicker than the little finger. Shikai are common to all Trefolkians, but the ability to form them into deadly spines is a talent own only to warriors. The length of the shikai vary, depending on their positioning. For example, the shikai at the base of the skull and small of the back are far shorter than those in the middle of the back.


Currency. Smaller in value than the Tali. 100 Sleet = 1 Tali. Most Trefolkian transactions are conducted in sleet because Tali’s are considered “Big Money”.

Song of Elaria

The mystical sword belonging originally to the Trefolkian Emperor Sharsaddox, and the sceptre of the rightful heir to the throne of Trefolk.


Saprophytic jungle plant that curls into a tight coil. Highly flexible and elasticized this plant is used in various applications from lowering people to the ground (Similar to bungee cord) to strengthening ropes.


Ritual performed on a daily basis by Trefolkian Segurim. The sungreeting pays homage to Cirillius and calls the town to waking.

Symbol of Trefolk (Known as the Trecordant)

(Ref icon on the top left of the home page).

Talis (“Tah-lee”)

Legal Tender on Cythe, used by all provinces of the Cythian Empire.


Solitary jungle predator similar to a tiger, but with dangerous horns.


Chief Elder or Guardian of a City, and one or more Dominai.

Traditionalist Senadai

The Senadai that approves of and advocates adherence to established and time-tested traditions, practices and beliefs. Their primary objective is to “ensure survival through proven experience”. Though valuable, their views are sometimes considered too conservative and / or restrictive.

Treboryean (“Treb or ian”)

Heaven / the home of the Ancestors, place of the Afterlife, and reward for the righteous followers of Gethras and Seisha.

Tribal Tell

Coloured tassels worn about the waist. Each Trefolkian family has their own Tribal Tartan made up of a weaving of the different coloured strands – one strand for every individual who has married into the clan. Eg: A man from Oberon takes a wife from Anacus. A green strand is added to his tartan, and a black one to the one held by her family. The oldest member of the family maintains the family history and the Tartan. Nowadays, however, only the last three strands are remembered in coloured tassels worn around the waist. Called “The Tribal Tell / Line”. In modern Trefolk, the more coloured the tassels, the more acceptable the individual.

Triple Greeting

Respectful and formal form of greeting. The individual who initiates the greeting (Variations apply) touches the right temple, then the lips, then cups a hand under left breast , and says “Antsun’alun, … (Title, Name). With thought and word and action. I greet you with respect.” The second person repeats the gesture and says “Gundsenaday, (Title, Name). May your roots grow deep and your branches never stand in shadow.”


Trefolkian word meaning Church, Temple or Sanctuary.

Vama Ferra

Expletive / Expression of frustration / anger.


Stringed instrument that has two sections. The first can be played like a violin or fiddle, and the second like a guitar.


Insult of the most abrasive and highest order. Extremely crass, but descriptive.

Weavers and Wyrders

Wyrders are those who pursue the easy path of harnessing the Sentience. Utilising mixed Kindling (Spell ingredients that provide the essential energy for a spell), the Wyrder carves a rune in the air and intones a spell in the Ancient Tongue. The spell is activated through use of one of the Words of Power, and so the desired effect is achieved.
To become a Wyrder, one must study the Ancient Tongue, become proficient in the art of Rune Carving, and master the properties of Kindling, its uses and properties.

Weavers are those, who through their training, refine their attunement with their Life Seed. The Life Seed is the organic couple to the Sentience. By purifying this attunement, the Weaver is able to access and control the Sentience. The purer the attunement, the greater the power. But this requires dedicated training and discipline.

Whipsaw Shredders

Small reptile similar in shape to a gecko, with three-toed hands and feet. However, Whipsaws stand erect, using their tails for balance, and have an endearing face. When at rest a Whipsaw is covered in soft fur, but when angered, a startling transformation occurs: fur becomes armoured scales, the mouth deploys serrated teeth and from the spine, barbed cords are produced. Using their strong hind legs to jump, the Shredder launches into the air, spinning like a top. The barbed cords dissect anything within reach. Shredders live in small communities, and when one is excited to action, all join in, and the result is a feeding frenzy.

Words of Power

According to legend, the words of power were the first four words spoken by the gods in creating the world.


Musical Instrument similar to a xylophone, but with an additional section for bells

Books by Mark


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